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Showing posts from June, 2011

Bollywood loves Goa……..It’s implications.

Alcoholic husbands & brothers wearing berets and pants with suspenders, mini skirt wearing young women easily available, drugs sex etc. A story for 3 old men to have a good time in their late life time or that of the drug nexus in the state, Goa has been the backdrop of many bolywood movies. The portrayal of Goa & Goan’s has created an image among many of a free for all sin city in India.  The reason why bolywood keeps coming back to Goa is less for the demand of the script and the storyline and more about the financials & convenience. The ESG or Entertainment Society of Goa which is a government body gives a single window clearance for all permissions for filming in Goa, unlike in Mumbai and elsewhere you need permissions from local governing bodies, railways, police etc. In March 2011 alone there were about 20 films being shot in Goa in different parts. The handicap in this initiative is the non availability of good equipments of shooting for this the Entertainment...