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Showing posts from September, 2020

Flying Low: An Air Travel Experience During Covid-19 Times

  7 months down the line after Covid-19 struck; people are still struggling to cope with the new normal. Reminiscing about the life we had before, things we used to do and things we could have done better; are constant companions in my thoughts, as may be in the case of other people too.   As economies, industries and businesses across the globe are reeling under the pressure of the Covid-19 induced lockdown and the subsequent financial trauma; it is prudent for us to take steps to tide over this unprecedented situation.   People have relocated, lost jobs, and millions also have been furloughed for an unspecified amount of time & are desperately clinging on to hope and thinning finances with absolutely no clarity on the future.   As Government’s across the globe are taking drastic measures to contain the pandemic, human lives are on the edge by the day. Holed up inside the relative safety of our homes and safe jobs; keeping ourselves updated about the situation through