Something powerful was churning and forming through the past 2 decades, this something is not stagnant, it has a mind of its own, it is constantly evolving. As of today, it is so strong and part of our everyday life that we cannot imagine getting through the day without it. Goa stepped into 2025 battling it and continues to fight with it. The dust might have settled for now but this is a long war. One viral post about the doom of Goa got reactions from the full might of the government. It became a coffee table conversation among stakeholders and everyone who had something to do in Goa or has visited it even once. Opinions came flowing out with articles, explainers, vlog’s and podcasts. Many of them articulate and present nuance. The government’s initial reaction was heavy handed, using the law to silence the mob, the mob grew stronger. Being a stakeholder in the tourism ecosystem of Goa, I would like to look at this as an opportunity, to course correct and strategise a desti...